A selection of my published work

Five great questions to find your dream job
I’ve been through thousands of cvs and interviewed hundreds of applicants in my career, and there’s always a red flag over people who can’t seem to stay at a place longer than a year. 🚩

This is how women can ‘have it all’
I get sad at the number of talented women I know who are either exhausted trying to do too much out of some misguided notion that it’s the right thing to do, or whose talents and careers have taken a major backseat to their husbands.

Entrepreneurship is hard for me… and I’m super privileged.
Thoughts on my journey as an entrepreneur: I left full time employment for the first time at the end of 2019, and started my business,

Kanye and Kim’s divorce rumours ruined my day. Here’s why.
This is going to sound ridiculous but here it is. The news that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West may be getting divorced ruined my day,

Thoughts of a dark skinned girl watching #IndianMatchmaking
For a dark skinned South African of Indian descent like myself, watching the show is sort of a creepy glimpse into a world that could have been but thankfully isn’t.

Three sketchy things about new South African Netflix hit Blood & Water
From its take on class, bisexuality, “wokeness” & racial integration, to just plain poor character development, Netflix’s Blood & Water is a little sketchy.

Bianca Schoombee and social media mistakes
If you haven’t heard her name yet, a 21-year-old model by the name of Bianca Schoombee has been trending on Twitter for all the wrong

Stop using the lockdown as a political football
We shouldn’t create a false impression of national mutiny and raging debate to in elections, Sell newspapers or Nurse bruised egos

Cyril goes far, together
Next time you slam his obsession with consensus-building… remember this moment.

Faith in the time of Corona
With apologies to Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez. I’ve just gotten off the phone with someone. I won’t mention names. They’ve asked me not to engage with

Who gets to say what in South Africa?
Should your identity – race, sex, etc – determine what you can and can’t say? Nick Hamman from 5fm is doing this great series where

Queen Sono episode one review: Imperfect and glorious
I adore the ambition and scope of what Diprente and Thusi have evinced so far in episode one. It’s uneven at times but damn, it’s refreshing.

My adopted child is not a form of fertility treatment
I’ve been wanting to write that headline for a while. You see, I’ve been on a beautiful, self-expanding, heart-defying journey. For as long as I

What I’ve learned after six years of marriage
Under the 24-hour spotlight that is marriage, both our issues and stubbornness bloomed forth in equal measure.

Beyond the difficulties I’ve faced publicly in my life, there have been many other private hardships, lessons and rejoicings. Given how harshly people can judge one publicly I have kept these to myself. But I no longer want to live a small life. I want to invite you in, via this blog.